The annual ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems kicks off in Hamburg, Germany on April 23, 2023. As always there are contributions from around the world, including from authors with affiliations in the Netherlands. We highlight these contributions below. Also, CHI NL this year is pleased to present you the CHI NL @ CHI 2023 Booklet, which you can download digitally, or pick up a physical copy either at ICT.Open 2023 (Utrecht), CHI 2023 (Hamburg), or Post-CHI 2023 (Delft).
This year CHI NL is celebrating its 25th year anniversary. With this in mind, we hope to see you at any of these upcoming events, and certainly to celebrate together on April 27th (King’s Day in the Netherlands 👑) at the CHI NL social event in Hamburg. ✨
CHI NL @ CHI 2023 Booklet
CHI 2023 Contributions from Dutch Institutions
🏆 Disentangling Fairness Perceptions in Algorithmic Decision-Making: the Effects of Explanations, Human Oversight, and Contestability
Mireia Yurrita, Tim Draws, Agathe Balayn, Dave Murray-Rust, Nava Tintarev, Alessandro Bozzon
Delft University of Technology, Maastricht University
🏆 Contestable Camera Cars: A Speculative Design Exploration of Public AI That Is Open and Responsive to Dispute
Kars Alfrink, Ianus Keller, Neelke Doorn, Gerd Kortuem
Delft University of Technology
🎖️ Online Proctoring: Privacy Invasion or Study Alleviation? Discovering Acceptability Using Contextual Integrity
Arnout Terpstra, Alwin de Rooij, Alexander P. Schouten
Tilburg University
This Watchface Fits with My Tattoos: Investigating Customisation Needs and Preferences in Personal Tracking
Rúben Gouveia and Daniel Epstein
University of Twente, University of Irvine
Tasks of a Different Color: How Crowdsourcing Practices Differ per Complex Task Type and Why This Matters
Yihong Wang, Konstantinos Papangelis, Ioanna Lykourentzou, Michael Saker, Alan Chamberlain, Vassilis-Javed Khan, Hai-Ning Liang, Yong Yue
Utrecht University, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Rochester Institute of Technology, City University London, University of Nottingham, Stappi Europe
Knowing About Knowing: An Illusion of Human Competence Can Hinder Appropriate Reliance on AI Systems
Gaole He, Lucie Kuiper, Ujwal Gadiraju
Delft University of Technology
What is Sensitive About (Sensitive) Data? Characterizing Sensitivity and Intimacy of Google Assistant Speech Records
Alejandra Gomez Ortega, Jacky Bourgeois, Gerd Kortuem
Delft University of Technology
How Instructional Data Physicalization Fosters Reflection in Personal Informatics
Marit Bentvelzen, Julia Dominiak, Jasmin Niess, Frederique Henraat, Paweł W. Woźniak
Utrecht University, Lodz University of Technology, University of St. Gallen, Utrecht University, Chalmers University of Technology
Starving the Newsfeed for Social Media Detox: Effects of Strict and Self-regulated Facebook Newsfeed Diets
Aditya Kumar Purohit, Kristoffer Bergram, Louis Barclay, Valery Bezencon, Adrian Holzer
Radboud University, University of Neuchatel
SelVReflect: A Guided VR Experience Fostering Reflection on Personal Challenges
Nadine Wagener, Leon Reicherts, Nima Zargham, Natalia Bartłomiejczyk, Ava Elizabeth Scott, Katherine Wang, Marit Bentvelzen, Evropi Stefanidi, Thomas Mildner, Yvonne Rogers, Jasmin Niess
University of Bremen, University College London, Lodz University of Technology, Utrecht University, University of St. Gallen
Rethinking the Role of AI with Physicians in Oncology: Revealing Perspectives from Clinical and Research Workflows
Himanshu Verma, Jakub Mlynar, Roger Schaer, Julien Reichenbach, Mario Jreige, John Prior, Florian Evequoz, Adrien Depeursinge
Delft University of Technology, Lausanne University Hospital, HES-SO Valais- Wallis
Faulty or Ready? Handling Failures in Deep-Learning Computer Vision Models until Deployment: A Study of Practices, Challenges, and Needs Agathe Balayn, Natasa Rikalo, Jie Yang, Alessandro Bozzon
Delft University of Technology
Conformal, Seamless, Sustainable: Multimorphic Textile-forms as a Material-Driven Design Approach for HCI
Holly McQullian and Elvin Karana
Delft University of Technology
The Influence of Human Factors on the Intention to Report Phishing Emails
Ioana Marin, Pavlo Burda, Luca Allodi, Nicola Zannone
Eindhoven University of Technology
Seeing Through Things: Exploring the Design Space of Privacy-Aware Data-Enabled Objects
Yu-Ting Cheng, Mathias Funk, Rung-Huei Liang, Lin-Lin Chen
Eindhoven University of Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Literature Reviews in HCI: A Review of Reviews
Evropi Stefanidi, Marit Bentvelzen, Paweł W. Woźniak, Thomas Kosch, Mikołaj P. Woźniak, Thomas Mildner, Stefan Schneegass, Heiko Müller, Jasmin Niess University of Bremen, Utrecht University, Chalmers University of Technology, HU Berlin, University of Oldenburg, University of Duisburg-Essen, OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology, University of St. Gallen
Investigating Deceptive Design in GDPR’s Legitimate Interest
Lin Kyi, Sushil Ammanaghatta Shivakumar, Cristiana Teixeira Santos, Franziska Roesner, Frederike Zufall, Asia J. Biega
Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Utrecht University, University of Washington, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Surfacing Livingness in Microbial Displays: A Design Taxonomy for HCI
Raphael Kim, Clarice Risseeuw, Eduard Georges Groutars, Elvin Karana
Delft University of Technology
ConceptEVA: Concept-Based Interactive Exploration and Customization of Document Summaries
Xiaoyu Zhang, Jianping Kelvin Li, Po-Wei Chi, Senthil Chandrasegaran, Kwan-Liu Ma
University of California Davis, Delft University of Technology
Steering Stories. Confronting Narratives of Driving Automation through Contestational Artifacts
Maria Luce Lupetti, Luciano Cavalcante-Siebert, David Abbink
Delft University of Technology
Blockchain and Beyond: Understanding Blockchains through Prototypes and Public Engagement
Dave Murray-Rust, Chris Elsden, Bettina Nissen, Ella Tallyn, Larissa Pschetz, Chris Speed
Delft University of Technology, University of Edinburgh
The Entoptic Field Camera as Metaphor-Driven Research-through- Design with AI Technologies
Jesse Josua Benjamin, Heidi Biggs, Arne Berger, Julija Rukanskaitė, Michael B. Heidt, Nick Merrill, James Pierce, Joseph Lindley
University of Twente, Lancaster University, The Pennsylvania State University, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Julija.Works, University of California Berkeley, University of Washington Seattle
QuintEssence: A Probe Study to Explore the Power of Smell on Emotions, Memories, and Body Image in Daily Life
Giada Brianza, Jesse Josua Benjamin, Patricia Cornelio, Emanuela Maggioni, Marianna Obrist
University of Sussex, University of Twente, University College London
Collaborating with a Text-Based Chatbot: An Exploration of Real-World Collaboration Strategies Enacted during Human-Chatbot Interactions Amon Rapp, Arianna Boldi, Lorenzo Curti, Alessandro Perrucci, Rossana Simeoni
University of Torino, TIM S.p.A., Eindhoven University of Technology
Measurement Patterns: User-Oriented Strategies for Dealing with Measurements and Dimensions in Making Processes
Raf Ramakers, Danny Leen, Jeeeun Kim, Kris Luyten, Steven Houben, Tom Veuskens
Hasselt University, Texas A&M University, Eindhoven University of Technology
Engaging Passers-by with Rhythm: Applying Feedforward Learning to a Xylophonic Media Architecture Facade
Binh Vinh Duc Nguyen, Jihae Han, Maarten Houben, Yssmin Bayoumi, and Andrew Vande Moere
KU Leuven, Eindhoven University of Technology
Exploring Long-Term Mediated Relations with a Shape-Changing Thing: A Field Study of coMorphing Stool
Ce Zhong, Ron Wakkary, Will Odom, Mikael Wiberg, Amy Yo Sue Chen, Doenja Oogjes, Jordan White, Minyoung Yoo
Simon Fraser University, Eindhoven University of Technology
Two Years or More of Co-speculation: Polylogues of Philosophers, Designers, and a Tilting Bowl
Ron Wakkary, Doenja Oogjes, Armi Behzad
Simon Fraser University, Eindhoven University of Technology
TexonMask: Facial Expression Recognition Using Textile Electrodes on Commodity Facemasks
Zengrong Guo, Rong-Hao Liang
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Effect of Explanation Design on User Perception of Smart Home Lighting Systems: A Mixed-method Investigation
Jiaxin Dai, Chao Zhang, Dzmitry Aliakseyeu, Samantha Peeters, Wijnand IJsselsteijn
Signify Research, Eindhoven University of Technology
Case Studies
Wizard of Oz Prototyping for Interactive Spatial Augmented Reality in HCI Education
Danica Mast, Alex Roidl, Antti Jylha
The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Leiden University, Mainz University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
From VizBlocks to the Data-Driven Actor: Reimagining an Open-ended Data Physicalisation Prototype with a Creative Business
Susan Lechelt, Evan Morgan, Clare Duffy, Dave Murray-Rust, Bettina Nissen
University of Edinburgh, Civic Digits, Delft University of Technology
Late-Breaking Work
Trust and Perceived Control in Burnout Support Chatbots
Chadha Degachi, Myrthe Tielman, Mohammad Al Owayyed
Delft University of Technology
The Art of Creating Code-Based Artworks
Mauricio Verano Merino, Juan Sáenz
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Polictenico di Torino
Tacit Knowledge Elicitation for Shop-floor Workers with an Intelligent Assistant
Samuel Kernan Freire, Chaofan Wang, Santiago Ruiz-Arenas, Evangelos Niforatos
Delft University of Technology, Universidad EAFIT
How Pricing and Ratings Affect Perceived Value of Digital Detox Apps
Aditya Kumar Purohit, Martina Raggi, Adrian Holzer
Radboud University, University of Neuchatel
FeelTheNews: Augmenting Affective Perceptions of News Videos with Thermal and Vibrotactile Stimulation
Simone Ooms, Minha Lee, Pablo Cesar, Abdallah El Ali
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of technology
BreatheWithMe: Exploring Visual and Vibrotactile Displays for Social Breath Awareness during Colocated, Collaborative Tasks
Abdallah El Ali, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Shalvi Palande, Angelika Mader, Pablo Cesar, Kaspar Jansen
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Simon Fraser University, University of Twente, Delft University of technology
Searching for the Whole Truth: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Humility to Boost Better Search on Debated Topics
Alisa Rieger, Frank Bredius, Nava Tintarev, Maria Soledad Pera
Delft University of Technology, Maastricht University
Xpandables: Single-filament Multi-property 3D Printing by Pogrammable Foaming
Mehmet Ozdemir, Zjenja Doubrovski
Delft University of Technology
The Time is Ticking: The Effect of Limited Time Discounts on Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Experience
Jelmer Tiemessen, Hanna Schraffenberger, Gunes Acar Radboud University
PostGuard: Towards Easy and Secure Email Communication
Leon Botros, Merel Brandon, Bart Jacobs, Daniel Ostkamp, Hanna Schraffenberger, Marloes Venema
Radboud University
BrainiBeats: A Dual Brain-Computer Interface for Musical Composition Using Inter-Brain Synchrony and Emotional Valence
Caterina Ceccato, Ethel Pruss, Anita Vrins, Jos Prinsen, Maryam Alimardani Tilburg University
Virtual Reality and Creativity: How Do Immersive Environments Stimulate the Brain during Creative Idea Generation?
Laura Josephine Hagedorn, Alwin de Rooij, Maryam Alimardani
Tilburg University
Towards a Preliminary Ontology of Dark Patterns Knowledge
Colin M. Gray, Cristiana Teixeira Santos, Nataliia Bielova
Purdue University, Utrecht University, Inria Sophia Antipolis
Children’s Trust in Robots and the Information They Provide
Thomas Beelen, Ella Velner, Khiet P. Truong, Roeland Ordelman, Theo Huibers, Vanessa Evers
University of Twente, NTU Institute of Science and Technology for Humanity
Happje: Stimulating Collaborative Cooking for People with Dementia
Yvon Ruitenburg, Rens Brankaert, Maarten Houben, Minha Lee, Gert Pasman
Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Scent as a Sensory Modality for Data Physicalisation for Office Well-being
Hans Brombacher, Vasil Nikolov, Steven B Vos, Steven Houben
Eindhoven University of Technology
Simulating Participant Behavior in Experience Sampling Method Research
Alireza Khanshan, Pieter Van Gorp, Panos Markopoulos
Eindhoven University of Technology
Collaborative Diffusion: Boosting Designerly Co-Creation with Generative AI
Mathias Peter Verheijden, Mathias Funk
Eindhoven University of Technology
Designing an Algal Relay Computer: A Critical Orientation in Exploring More-than-Human Temporality
Yuta Ikeya, Bahareh Barati
Eindhoven University of Technology
Smart Authenticity Experience Design with and for Airbnb Hosts
Jingrui An, Yaliang Chuang, Berry Eggen
Eindhoven University of Technology
ACTIVE4: A Conceptual Framework for Gathering Empathetic Insights toward Office Workers’ Vitality Ecosystem Design
Xiang Yu, Jie Li, Steven Vos, Aarnout Brombacher
Eindhoven University of Technology, EPAM, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Doctoral Consortium
The Human Factors of AI-Empowered Knowledge Sharing
Samuel Kernan Freire
Delft University of Technology
HEROES, Design of an Exergame for Balance Recovery of Stroke Patients for a Home Environment
Aurora Ruiz-Rodriguez
University of Twente
The Systematic Review-lution: A Manifesto to Promote Rigour and Inclusivity in Research Synthesis
Katja Rogers, Katie Seaborn
University of Amsterdam, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Matthew L. Lee-Smith, Jesse J. Benjamin, Audrey Desjardins, Mathias Funk, Will Odom, Doenja Oogjes, Young-Woo Park, James Pierce, Pedro Sanches, Vasiliki Tsaknaki
Loughborough University, University of Twente, University of Washington, Eindhoven University of Technology, Simon Fraser University, Ulsan National Institute of Science of Technology, Umeå University, University of Copenhagen
CUI@CHI: Inclusive Design of CUIs Across Modalities and Mobilities
Jaisie Sin, Heloisa Candello, Leigh Clark, Benjamin R Cowan, Minha Lee, Cosmin Munteanu, Martin Porcheron, Sarah Theres Volkel, Stacy Branham, Robin Brewer, Ana Paula Chaves, Amanda Lazar
University of Toronto, IBM Research, Bold Insight, University College Dublin, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Waterloo, Swansea University, LMU Munich, University of California, Irvine, Northern Arizona University, Stockholm University, University of Maryland
The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design
Luce Drouet, Wo Meijer, Aisling O’Kane, Aneesha Singh, Thiemo Wambsganss, Andrea Mauri, Himanshu Verma
University of Luxembourg, Delft University of Technology, University of Bristol, University College London, Swiss Federal Institute of technology Lausanne, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I
Combating Toxicity, Harassment, and Abuse in Online Social Spaces: A Workshop at CHI 2023
Regan Mandryk, Julian Frommel, Nitesh Goyal, Guo Freeman, Cliff Lampe, Sarah Vieweg, Yvette Wohn
University of Saskatchewan, Utrecht University, Google, Clemson University, University of Michigan, Cash App, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Behavioral Design in Video Games: Ethical, Legal, and Health Impact on Players
Max V. Birk, Simone van der Hof, Celia Hodent, Kathrin Gerling, Tony van Rooij Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden University, Raising Good Games, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Timbos Institute
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Matthew Lee-Smith, Jesse Josua Benjamin, Audrey Desjardins, William Odom, James Pierce, Doenja Oogjes, Mathias Funk, Young-Woo Park, Pedro Sanches, Vasiliki Tsaknaki
Loughborough University, University of Washington, Simon Fraser University, University of Washington Seattle, Eindhoven University of Technology, UNIST, Umeå University, IT University of Copenhagen,University of Twente, Lancaster University
Moral Agents for Sustainable Transitions: Ethics, Politics, Design
Matthias Laschke, Amy Bucher, Paul Coulton, Marc Hassenzahl, Lenneke Kuijer, Carine Lallemand, Dan Lockton, Geke Ludden, Sebastian Deterding University of Siegen, Lirio, Lancaster University, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, Imperial College London
Physicalization from Theory to Practice: Exploring Physicalization Design across Domains
Kim HP Sauvé, Hans Brombacher, Rosa Van Koningsbruggen, Annemiek HM Veldhuis, Steven Houben, Jason Alexander
Lancaster University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Simon Fraser University, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Failed yet Successful: Learning from Discontinued Civic Tech Initiatives
Andrea Hamm, Yuya Shibuya, Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Roy Bendor, Nicolai Brodersen Hansen, Christoph Raetzsch, Masahiko Shoji, Christoph Bieber, Mennatullah Hendawy, Gwen Klerks, Ben Schouten
Hasselt University, Texas A&M University, Eindhoven University of Technology
SIGs and Panels
(SIG) Reflecting on Hybrid Events: Learnings from a Year of Hybrid Experiences
Alberta Ansah, Adriana Vivacqua, Sailin Zhong, Susanne Boll, Marios Constantinides, Himanshu Verma, Abdallah El Ali, Alina Lushnikova, Hamed Alavi, Sean Rintel, Andrew Kun, Orit Shaer, Anna Cox, Kathrin Gerling, Michael Muller, Vit Rusnak, Leticia Machado, Thomas Kosch, CHIWORK Collective, SIGCHI Executive Committee
University of New Hampshire, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, University of Fribourg, University of Oldenburg, Nokia Bell labs, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Delft University of Technology, University of Luxembourg, University of Amsterdam, Microsoft Research, Wellesley College, University College London, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IBM Research, Masaryk University, UFPA, HU Berlin
(SIG) More-Than-Human Perspectives and Values in Human-Computer Interaction
Daisy Yoo, Tilde Bekker, Peter Dalsgaard, Eva Eriksson, Simon Skov Fougt, Christopher Frauenberger, Batya Friedman, Elisa Giaccardi, Anne-Marie Hansen, Ann Light, Elisabet M. Nilsson, Ron Wakkary, Mikael Wiberg Eindhoven University of Technology, Aarhus University, University of Salzburg, University of Washington, Delft University of Technology, Malmö University, University of Sussex, Simon Fraser University, Umeå University
SIG on Data as Human-Centered Design Material
Alejandra Gomez Ortega, Peter Lovei, Renee Noortman, Romain Toebosch, Alex Bowyer, Albrecht Kurze, Mathias Funk, Sandy Gould, Samuel Huron, Jacky Bourgeois
Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology
(SIG) Dark Patterns and the Emerging Threats of Deceptive Design Practices
Colin M. Gray, Cristiana Teixeira Santos, Nicole Tong, Thomas Mildner, Arianna Rossi, Johanna T. Gunawan, Caroline Sinders
Purdue University, Utrecht University, Stanford University, University of Bremen, University of Luxembourg, Northeastern University, Information Commissioner’s Office
(Panel) How Can We Create an Equitable CHI
Siobahn Day Grady, Christine Bauer, Rina R. Wehbe, Katta Spiel, Michael Muller, Christina Harrington
North Carolina Central University, Utrecht University, Dalhousie University, TU Wien, IBM Research, Carnegie Mellon University
Experience Data-enabled Design!
Peter Lovei, Renee Noortman, Suji Raviselvam, Mathias Funk
Eindhoven University of Technology, Philips
HCI Research in Sensitive Settings: Lessons Learned from Technology Design and Ethical Challenges in Dementia
Maarten Houben, Minha Lee, Sarah Foley, Kellie Morrissey, and Rens Brankaert
Eindhoven University of Technology, University College Cork, University of Limerick, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Workshop Papers
Dunning-Kruger Effect Can Hinder Appropriate Reliance on AI Systems
Workshop of Trust and Reliance in AI-Assisted Tasks (TRAIT) Gaole He, Lucie Kuiper, Ujwal Gadiraju
Delft University of Technology
Simplicity is Complexity Resolved: Considering Task Complexity in Empirical HC(X)AI Studies
Workshop of Trust and Reliance in AI-Assisted Tasks (TRAIT)
Sara Salimzadeh, Ujwal Gadiraju
Delft University of Technology
Fast Drink: Mediating Empathy for Gig Workers
The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design Wo Meijer, Bent Verhoeff, Himanshu Verma, and Jacky Bourgeois Delft University of Technology
Are Female Chatbots More Empathic? – Discussing Gendered Conversational Agent through Empathic Design
The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design
Ji-Youn Jung, Alessandro Bozzon
Delft University of Technology
Towards Empathic Buildings: Exploring How Smart Buildings may Be Designed to Address Occupants’ Subjective Needs
The EmpathiCH Workshop: Unraveling Empathy-Centric Design
Shruti Rao, Hamed Alavi, Judith Good
University of Amsterdam
ARTIST: ARTificial Intelligence for Simplified Text
Generative AI and HCI Lorenzo Corti, Jie Yang
Delft University of Technology
🍄 Power-up! What Can Generative Models Do for Human Computation Workflows?
Generative AI and HCI
Garrett Allen, Gaole He, Ujwal Gadiraju
Delft University of Technology
Human Bodies as Interaction Materials for Somatic, Social, and Multisensory Virtual Reality Experiences
Body x Materials
Ekaterina R. Stepanova, John Desnoyers-Stewart, Bernhard Riecke, Gijs Huisman, Abdallah El Ali
Simon Fraser University, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Delft University of Technology
Designing for Visually Impaired People with Data
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Jacky Bourgeois, Akari Takada, Marco Rozendaal
Delft University of Technology
Generating Process-Centric Explanations to Enable Contestability in Algorithmic Decision Making: Challenges and Opportunities Human-Centered Explainable AI (HCXAI)
Mireia Yurrita, Agathe Balayn, Ujwal Gadiraju
Delft University of Technology
How Intervention Systems Help Combating Toxicity: A Position Paper
Combating Toxicity, Harassment, and Abuse in Online Social Spaces: A Workshop at CHI 2023
Michel Wijkstra, Julian Frommel
Utrecht University
Design for Telemonitoring of Master Athletes with Coronary Artery Disease
Workshop on Intelligent Data-Driven Health Interfaces
Irina Bianca Şerban, Lonneke Fruytier, Steven Houben, Sara Colombo,
Aarnout C Brombacher
Eindhoven University of Technology, Máxima Medical Center
Human-human Collaboration Enhanced with Emerging Technologies of AI
Workshop on Integrating AI in Human-Human Collaborative Ideation Rick Knops, Bianca Şerban, Steven Houben
Eindhoven University of Technology
CollEagle; AI-enabled Tangible Note-Taking to Support Collocated Collaborative Practices
Workshop on Integrating AI in Human-Human Collaborative Ideation
Olaf V. Adan, Steven Houben
Eindhoven University of Technology
Utilizing Service Design Approach to Apply Digital Twins in Home Automation
AutomationXP23: Intervening, Teaming, Delegating, Creating Engaging Automation Experiences
Yaxin Zheng, Harm van Essen, Regina Bernhaupt
Eindhoven University of Technology
Supporting Patients in Participating in Clinical Trials with Technology- Enabled Solutions
Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) – Symposium Mayra Goevaerts, Nicole Tenbült – Van Limpt, Max Birk, Willem Kop, Yunjie
Liu, Yuan Lu, Hareld Kemps
Eindhoven University of Technology
Morally Relevant Agents with and through Autoethnography
Moral Agents for Sustainable Transitions: Ethics, Politics, Design Yuhui Xu, Minha Lee, Mathias Funk
Eindhoven University of Technology
Alt-Experience: Alternative Personal Narratives through Autoethnography
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Yuhui Xu
Eindhoven University of Technology
Dear Data Double, Am I Happy?
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Renee Noortman
Eindhoven University of Technology
A Homegrown Recommender, Living with a System of Your Own
Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions
Anna Merl Kristina Andersen
Eindhoven University of Technology
Adjusting Conversational User Interfaces to Fit Communication Needs of People with Dementia
CUI@CHI: Inclusive Design of CUIs Across Modalities and Mobilities
Yvon Ruitenburg, Linde Meuzelaar, Minha Lee, Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Panos
Eindhoven University of Technology, Tilburg University
Student Design Competition Lighting up Well-being with Bulb
Simone Ooms, Jay Kolvenbag, Charlotte Bording
Eindhoven University of Technology
Conversation Starters: How Can We Misunderstand AI Better?
Iohanna Nicenboim, Shruthi Venkat, Neva Rustad, Diana Vardanyan, Johan Redström, Elisa Giaccardi
Delft University of Technology, Umeå Institute of Design
EduCHI 2023: 5th Annual Symposium on HCI Education
Colin M. Gray, Craig M. MacDonald, Carine Lallemand, Alannah Oleson, Anna Carter, Caroline Pitt, Olivier St-Cyr
Purdue University, Pratt Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Luxembourg, University of Washington, Swansea University, University of Toronto
We wish to congratulate all authors again on their accepted submissions! See you at CHI 2023!
✨ Get updates about HCI activities in the Netherlands ✨

CHI Nederland (CHI NL) is celebrating its 25th year anniversary this year, and we have much in store to acknowledge this occasion. Stay tuned!