Earlier this year (June 2021), the EventCHI task force part of CHI NL organized a wonderful 2-day virtual event (Dutch Post-CHI 2021) to follow up on the 2021 ACM CHI Virtual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021).
The aim of this event was to bring together the HCI community in the Netherlands, and ultimately provide an opportunity for fellow researchers (and practitioners) to present and discuss their accepted CHI 2021 works in a smaller and cozier manner than what the enormity and madness of the (virtual) CHI ship allows.
So who attended, what did we do, and how’d it go?

Yup, that’s us on the left (photo taken with permission). We had ~30 attendees throughout the two mornings, affiliated with a range of universities, institutions, and companies. It was truly a great chance to meet new HCI / UX folks, and catch up with old friends!
Throughout the two mornings, we had very interesting paper / poster pitches and breakout discussions, informal yet informative. We also had a provoking and lively industry panel, where panelists shared perspectives and engaged in discussions on the differences and similarities across academic research and practice. Our panelists were Lisa Koeman (Elsevier), Frank Meijer (DEUXERS), Stefan Manojlović (TomTom), and Michael Muller (IBM) — thank you all again for the discussions!
Lastly, we had an open plenary with the CHI NL board and all attendees. We discussed the current state of HCI in the Netherlands and beyond, as well as our collective future visions moving forward. We took notes, where we are considering all the feedback and perspectives provided. In short, the event helped create a truly communal feeling, and we’re excited by how much HCI energy there is in the Netherlands! 🔥

This event was made possible by the wonderful EventCHI task force (shown on right):
- Minha Lee (TU Eindhoven)
- Debargha Dey (TU Eindhoven)
- Ujwal Gadiraju (TU Delft)
- Jan de Wit (Tilburg Uni)
- Lars Lischke (Elsevier)
- Abdallah El Ali (CWI)
Post-CHI 2021 website: https://cwi-dis.github.io/dutch-chi/
Stay tuned for more events from the EventCHI team, and watch out for next year’s Pre- or Post-CHI 2022!
Posted by: abdo