Experience and Beyond event

Green/orange banner with text: 'Experience and Beyond: connecting HCI & UX researchers'

On Thursday 24 November 2022 we will organise an afternoon of talks by Human-Computer Interaction/UX professionals working in industry. This informal event is designed to encourage knowledge sharing and networking between HCI and UX professionals in the Netherlands.

Join us to hear talks from people at Miro, TNO, Booking.com, Spotify, DEPT Agency, Springer Nature, YouTube, Janelle Ward Insights, and EPAM Systems! Everyone is also welcome to join the workshop hosted by the UX Academy, where you can learn more about how to embed UX and UX research in your organisation.

🎉 The full program is now available!

The event will be held at EPAM Systems in Hoofddorp (right next to the train station) from 13:00 to 17:30.

Who is this event for?

Anyone with an interest in Human-Computer Interaction in industry, including:

  • professionals in industry, including HCI researchers, UX designers and researchers, design researchers, applied researchers, and anyone else working on HCI-related topics
  • academics, students, and anyone else with an interest in applied HCI


Anne Vroegop

UX Academy

Workshop: How to embed UX & UX research in your (scrum) environment?

Dr Amulya Tata


Methods/tools I wish I knew during my time in academia

Dr Janelle Ward

Janelle Ward Insights

Workshop: How to embed UX & UX research in your (scrum) environment?

Dr Sylvie Dijkstra-Soudarissanane


Social XR and research rigour

Ward de Kruiff

EPAM Systems

How we evolve from click-to-buy to experience-to-buy

Maya Alvarado


Accessibility research at Booking.com

Dr Stephanie Marsh

Springer Nature

Research Operations

Romeo Vreeken

DEPT Academy

Life is a pitch: how to stand out when presenting yourself and your ideas

Stefan Manojlović


Why should data scientists be your besties?

Manuela Scherer

EPAM Research & Insight

Responsible metaverse

Dr Alexandra Diening

EPAM Research & Insight

Responsible metaverse

Eduardo Gomez Ruiz


How we do UX research at Miro

Bo Liu


How we do UX research at Miro


12:30 – 13:00 Arrive Venue opens
13:00 – 13:15 Welcome Hello and sponsors Organisers
13:15 – 14:10 UX meets academia Want to pivot from academic to UX research? Start by learning the lingo Janelle Ward, Janelle Ward Insights
Methods/tools I wish I knew during my time in academia Tata Amulya, YouTube
Life is a pitch: how to stand out when presenting yourself and your ideas Romeo Vreeken, Dept Agency
Break (coffee, tea, cookies, and cake)
14:25 – 15:45 Design and research maturity UX research at Miro Bo Liu and Eduardo Gomez Ruiz, Miro
Accessibility research at Booking.com Maya Alvarado, Booking.com
ResearchOps at Springer Nature Stephanie Marsh, Springer Nature
Why data scientists should be our besties Stefan Manojlović, Spotify
14:25 – 15:45 Workshop How to embed UX and UX research in your (scrum) environment?

Creating support for UX is an ongoing job. But how do you figure out where to start? What are the quick wins vs long term possibilities for your organization?

In 3 steps you will work on your own:
Step 1: Use the UX maturity model
Step 2: Create your current workflow; how does UX work together with others?
Step 3: Draw your ideal UX workflow
The aim of this workshop is to step into the shoes of a UX consultant. The outcome is solid advice for your organization on how to embed UX & UX research, which is aligned with your personal UX goals. By following the steps the participant can apply this framework in future UX projects as a UX consultant.
Anne Vroegop, UX Academy
Break (coffee, tea, cookies, and cake)
16:00 – 16:45 Looking to the future Social XR and research rigour Sylvie Dijkstra-Soudarissanane, TNO
How we evolve from click-to-buy to experience-to-buy Ward de Kruiff, EPAM Systems
Responsible metaverse Alexandra Diening and Manuela Scherer, EPAM Systems
16:45-17:00 Closing Final words Organisers
17:00 onwards Drinks and nibbles


We’d like to welcome you on Thursday 24 November from 13:00 to 17:30 at EPAM Systems in Hoofddorp.

  • Regular tickets €30
  • Student tickets €20 (please register using your university email address, we may ask for proof of student status)


Support team:

Experience and Beyond is organised by CHI Nederland, a non-profit organisation which aims to connect, support, and represent professionals in Human-Computer Interaction.

If you have any questions, please contact us on events@chinederland.nl.

How to get there

Join us at:

EPAM Systems (right next to Hoofddorp Station)
Mercuriusplein 1
2132 HA Hoofddorp

Photo of light rounded space with round bar and bar stools in the centre
Venue, social area

Photo of rectangular light room with multi-coloured chairs and projector and screen
Venue, talks area


Knowledge sponsor

UX Academy

Venue sponsor

EPAM Systems logo
EPAM Systems

Cake sponsor

Cake Researcher logo
Cake Researcher

Interested in being a sponsor for this event? Please contact us via events@chinederland.nl